All the stories are inspired by my life, I write down some of the points I find funny and exaggerate them, hopefully the whole diary story is very humorous and quirky.All the stories are inspired by my life, I write down some of the points I find funny and exaggerate them, hopefully the whole diary story is very humorous and quirky.
All the stories are inspired by my life, I write down some of the points I find funny and exaggerate them, hopefully the whole diary story is very humorous and quirky.
Mr.Bald A carrier about me, when I created this role four years ago I was actually in a particularly stressed state and very emaciated. And had been losing my hair, and then at the time I wondered if I would be stress- free if I didn't have any hair left. And that's when mr.bald came into my mind.
I think a quote for him: no hair no pressure.